Tulsipur is the closest village to Ranjeet Singh Public School (JKK). Agriculture and dairy products support the majority of the people. With the establishment of JKK at Ranjeet Singh Public School, people started knowing about various government programmes and schemes for their benefit. In addition to this, JKK has given a facility to the students of Ranjit Singh Public School for filling the forms of different competitive exams, can take information of every college and university for studying further and can avail all the scholarships proposed by the government.
Udi is the nearest village to St. Maria School (JKK). The majority of the families are truck drivers. Since the inception of our JKK, individuals have gradually begun to flock here to take the information. This centre has also improved the lives of the youth living in the nearby area of this JKK as this centre is providing computer education free of cost and youth from different schools and colleges are getting this training.
Nearest village to Vaidya H.N.Singh Public School (JKK) is Nagla Sikarwar and nearest town area is Ghiror. Ghiror is one of the largest markets of Garlic. After the establishment of this JKK, it has served as a facility where farmers can take information which is useful for their agricultural cultivation.
Nearly, more than 300 people have availed the facilities from these Jan Kalyan Kendras and have taken all the necessary information of their purpose. Jan Kalyan Kendra (JKK) is committed to providing a wide range of essential facilities and services to the community through their centres. At JKK, individuals can conveniently access services such as PAN card application, electricity bill deposit, new electric connections, Jawahar Navodaya entrance registration, Colgate Foundation scholarship, Kisan Samman Nidhi, insurance services etc.
Additionally, JKK offers e-nagrik and e-district services for obtaining birth and death certificates, pension services, NIOS registration, NIELIT services, Aadhar printing and enrollment, PAN card services, electoral services, e-courts and results services, state electricity and water bill collection services and services of the Department of Post. Through their diverse range of facilities, JKK aims to simplify administrative processes, enhance access to vital services, and contribute to the welfare of the community.