Skill Development


So, what we're doing to help students become more tech-savvy and close the gap between what's taught in academia and what the industry needs, is organising these online skill enhancement training programs. These are especially for students who might be facing difficulties with their education fees. And you know what's great? We've already trained over 2500 students through this initiative, and they're actually doing really well in their careers now.


So, what we're doing is holding these regular sessions for students who are in higher studies and going through a bit of a tough time with their mental health. You know, finding that balance between feeling good inside, keeping up with studies, and planning for a career can be quite a challenge. But the cool part is, we've got experts who specialise in both mental wellness and career guidance leading these sessions. And guess what? We've already been able to mentor over 2500 students through these sessions.


Guess what we're up to? We've set up this awesome stitching centre, and the best part is, it's all about empowering women. We're on a mission to help them become financially strong and independent. At the centre, we're training women on everything from stitching to creating clothes with cool designs. So far, we've trained over 500 women through our training programs. Our journey began in Prayagraj with Dhanbad becoming our next spot, but we're aiming to expand this initiative all across India.